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How you see money determines what it does for you.
Because money is more than money.
How you see money determines what it does for you.
Because money is more than money.
Sasfin's Trade Finance offers foreign and local trade finance that frees up working capital, by allowing credit terms of up to 180 days
Free up working capital and keep your business moving forward by converting outstanding invoices into immediate cash
How you see money determines what it does for you.
Because money is more than money.
Sasfin is a bank-controlling company that provides a comprehensive range of specialist financial products and services for Business and Wealth clients. Our financial products and services focus on the needs of entrepreneurs, corporates, institutions, and high-net worth individuals. Sasfin is “beyond a bank” in that we go beyond the traditional expectations of the financial services industry and strive to deliver solutions with exceptional personalised service. We challenge ourselves to create tailor-made products and solutions that suit our clients’ needs – whether they are entrepreneurs or investors.
We combine service excellence with innovative financial solutions to assist businesses to bank when and where they want without ever having to step inside a branch. We provide tailored solutions to support your business growth, whether you need an equity partner, property investor or a sophisticated corporate financier.
10 Feb 2025
3 min reading
by Craig Pheiffer
05 Feb 2025
4 min reading
by Elisheva Gilbert
In The News
29 Oct 2024
4 min reading
by Elisheva Gilbert
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