Sasfin’s health consultants function as the financial advisor between an institution and their individual employees and their healthcare product provider. Our highly skilled and experienced consultants will provide you independent and holistic advice, ensuring that you enjoy a customised healthcare solution
Wellness initiatives are premised on the notion that prevention is better than cure. With the general health and wellbeing of our members being important to us, we’re focused on providing regular health tips on how to optimise your health and wellness, plus where to go for help. As mental health has a vast impact on one’s general wellbeing, our wellness theme includes topical subjects such as resilience. One lesson we can all take from Covid, is that being resilient is pivotal to coping with our everchanging environment.
Our published articles are accessible via the Insights section of the Sasfin Content Hub.
We’re all about wellness!
Use our quoting tool to compare various medical scheme options and discover if there is a better solution for you.
As independent health advisors, we provide advice across the leading medical schemes and insurance companies in South Africa, unlocking a variety of products and offerings for our clients.
Give us your details and we will call you back and provide any information you might need.
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