The portfolio is actively managed in order to benefit from positive market conditions and to provide a limited measure of capital and income protection during negative market conditions. The investments for the portfolio will include listed property related securities, equity securities, preference shares, non- equity securities, fixed interest instruments (including, but not limited to, bonds, corporate bonds, inflation linked bonds, convertible bonds, cash deposits and money market instruments) and assets in liquid form. The portfolio may from time to time invest in
listed and unlisted financial instruments. The portfolio may also include unlisted forward currency, interest rate and exchange rate swap transactions.
You should invest in this fund if you are looking to achieve long term capital growth and income normally associated with the investment structure of a moderate risk profile retirement fund.
Watch the video below to learn more about this investment strategy.
Our formidable investment team has developed a sound investment philosophy, combining thorough fundamental research, spanning various asset classes with focused analysis of global macroeconomic trends.
Portfolio Manager, Asset Management
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